
Riot Lit

Voilà 9 révolutionnaires qui cherchent 3 autres kamikazes. À 12, ces apôtres pourront peut-être déstabiliser l'establishment de l'édition :

This collective is our unified voice, thick with revolution and a desire to disrupt the status quo. We are the fractured demographic. We represent the forgotten, the ignored, the discontent, the disenfranchised - yet we refuse to be overlooked. We refuse the passive role that writers are expected to embrace. We defy all preconceived notions of how a writer should create and thrive within modern culture.

Our strength is our ability to maneuver outside of the literary establishment. We do not seek endorsements from talk show hosts. We do not write paint-by-numbers beach reads. We are here to change the dominant paradigm. We write in the knowledge that very soon our words-your words-will explode across this planet like a million dirty bombs.

Je suis à mi-chemin du roman Click! de kristopher young (que vous pouvez lire en ligne), un des membres. C'est l'expérience littéraire qui se rapproche le plus de Nadja, ça vous donne une idée.

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